Rafa's Newborn Photo Shoot

I absolutely adore Rafa’s newborn photos (If I do say so myself!)

The mixture of blues and whites really suit him and he slept so well.

We started his newborn photo shoot with family photos before moving onto photos with his big brother. I photograph siblings of all ages and of varying amounts of either absolutely loving their new sibling or wanting nothing to do with them!

As you can see below, Rafa’s big brother was full of love, hugs and kisses.

After the newborn family photos, it was time for Rafa to have the spotlight to himself. I started with newborn props and then moved onto my posing beanbag, where I used a lot of blues and whites as requested by his family.
They made a good choice because those tones really suited him.

He stayed sound asleep for most of his newborn photo shoot but there was a little period he decided to wake up and check out his surroundings. I don’t mind this at all because I love capturing those wide newborn eyes.

No photo shoot is complete without capturing those tiny newborn details. Gorgeous backrolls and teeny toes don’t stay little for long so it’s important to capture these little things before they’re gone.

To finish off his gallery, I included the beautiful moon digital backdrop. It’s one of my favourites.

Thank you so much to Rafa’s family for choosing me to be their newborn photographer. I hope to see you all again soon.

Posed photo of family of four smiling, looking at the camera
Newborn boy wears a knitted white onesie, laying asleep on a white bed at his professional newborn photo shoot in Milton Keynes
Newborn boy lays asleep on his tummy on a large wooden moon prop at his newborn photo shoot in Milton Keynes

Becki Williams Photography is a Newborn Photographer in Milton Keynes. Every newborn photo shoot is relaxed and baby led, meaning your baby is boss and we go at their speed. If you’d like more information about booking a newborn photo shoot in Emerson Valley, MK - click below.