Becki Williams Photography

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April Inspired Baby Names

These April inspired baby names are some of my favourite yet.

Have any of them made your short list?

  1. April (An obvious one!)

  2. Daisy (April's birth flower)

  3. Ariel (from the April horoscope, Aries)

  4. Avril (meaning April in French)

  5. Ivy (like the roman numeral for four, IV, as April is the fourth month of the year. Not tenuous at all)

  6. Iver (same as the above)

  7. Blossom (because it's common in April)

  8. Pascal (a French name meaning 'born on Easter')

  9. Lily (after the Lily of the valley flower that blooms in April in the UK)

  10. Diamond (April's birthstone)

  11. Raine/Reign (after April's showers)

  12. Iris (from the Greek meaning 'rainbow')

  13. Moses (in reference to Passover)

  14. Israella (also in reference to Passover)

  15. Stavros (meaning 'cross', in reference to Easter)

Compared to other months, I think most of these April inspired baby names are really quite lovely!

I’ve already photographed one Daisy this year and it’s a beautiful name I see year after year. I also personally love Raine & Reign.
Stavros on the other hand - that just makes me think of Stavros Flatley!

Did any of these names make or short list or have I missed any good ones? Let me know in the comments below.

Are you expecting a baby this Spring/Summer?

Newborn photo shoots can be booked any time from your first scan to make sure I have space for you in my diary.

See this gallery in the original post